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You know that slot of time between the ceremony and the reception that the guests are just waiting around? How about keep your guests entertained by adding a salsa bar to your reception. Your guests can mingle at the salsa bar while waiting for the newlywed's arrival. A perfect choice to keep their hunger at bay before the actual reception begins.

To kick off your caliente reception, add a couple large serving bowls of chips and several smaller bowls of different salsas and queso cheese dips.

You can find several tasty salsa recipes at Great-Salsa.com.

Image: luigi diamanti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

9 Responses to Hot Idea! Have a Salsa Bar at Your Reception.

  1. Thanks for the info

  2. saas Says:
  3. I will be having my ceremony in a different location from my reception and have gotten some pointers from the weddings I have attended.

  4. Jackie Says:
  5. Another great idea is to hand out party favors to your guests at that time. Yes, you'll probably want to hand out a second batch after the reception, but if you can get a good deal on them or use a coupon to get free shipping, it might be worth it. Your guests will enjoy the gifts and ultimately you'll be happy too.

  6. well,I will be having my ceremony in a different location from my reception and have gotten some pointers from the weddings I have attended.

  7. Yes, you'll probably want to hand out a second batch after the reception, but if you can get a good deal on them or use a coupon to get free shipping, it might be worth it. Your guests will enjoy the gifts and ultimately you'll be happy too.

  8. oh !ya i am with you it is perfect for reception very beautiful.

  9. Our guests will enjoy the gifts and ultimately you'll be happy too. Thanks!

  10. How funky. You'd have to combine that with a modern venue for it to work, but it's great!

  11. Funny, I'll do it for my wedding


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